Bouquet Ariel Dream Big


Bring the undersea princess to your home with a Little Mermaid Balloon Bouquet! A giant Flounder & Ariel foil balloon sits at the center and features Ariel holding onto Flounder against a blue background. Two green sparkling foil balloons are paired with two round Little Mermaid foil balloons to complete the bouquet. Top off your Little Mermaid decorations with these awesome balloons from under the sea! Princess Dream Big Bouquet 1 x Shape & 4 x 45cm Foil Balloons (Self sealing balloon, Requires helium inflation) Pack of 5

SKU: 3393601 Category:

Please Note: Any balloons that aren't in our Inflated Balloons or Send-A-Bouquet Sections are Deflated and shipped via postage. If you require any of these inflated/delivered please call us on (02) 9898 1388. Dismiss